Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sew What? Adventures in Sewing A Skirt: Part 1

So I promised myself I would do a couple things with my mom this summer: sew something I could wear and bake a lemon meringue pie (more on that later). I wanted to sew something I could wear often and enjoy. Besides the fact that I always seem to want things I can't find in the store, I feel like sewing is a lost art. Whenever I needed something whether it was a repair to a ripped shirt or an elaborate recreation of Rose's red and black dress in Titanic (yes, really) my mom could do it for me and she did. Someday when I have children I know that they will need buttons sewn on and costumes created. Who will they turn to? Me of course. So I better get to work and learn some of my mother's fabulous sewing skills.

I've discovered the perfect sewing project. Are you ready for it? Some beautiful full skirts taken from Vogue sewing patterns:

I like the idea that the full skirt is a classic silhouette. I plan to do more towards the length on the skirt to the left. I can wear this to work and church and it always looks clean and my personal favorite, "lady like." I think this looks like a fairly simple beginner project but since all I've ever sewn is a pillow for my nephew I don't really know what I'm talking about. I guess we'll see!

Now that I have an idea in my head of what I'd like to create I just have to find the some fabrics to fall in love with. I'll head to the fabric stores next week (with my mom in tow) and I'll post what I find!


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