Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day 2011!

It's that time of year already! I cannot believe it's Father's Day again already. Father's Day is a chance for us to reflect on the impact our father's had on our lives and if we are married and have children, to acknowledge the Father your husband has become.

I know that in terms of Dads we are abnormally blessed. My Dad is such a strong example of a good Father and a man of God. In light of this article I know how important this is for the development of one's faith and adulthood. He never left any doubt in our minds about what was truly important in life and how we were to grow to become good people.

In addition to this my Dad was a great example of what we should look for in a future husband and father of our children. No matter what our family needed my Dad would do whatever he had to do provide for us and be there for us. He is a hard-working man who regardless of his workload made time for his children. Whether I wanted to go outside and play basketball after dinner or just needed help on my homework my Dad was there to provide support and endless patience.

We are blessed with a wonderful Father and thank God for this gift! Remember to thank your Dad today for the presence he has had in your life.

Love you Dad!


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