Friday, August 12, 2011

Uncorked #17: Fünf German Reisling

Welcome to Uncorked! Where I feature a wine that I've tried and let you know my thoughts on it. There is a little disclaimer: I am by far no wine expert --I am just going to tell my thoughts on a wine. Some wine snobs out there might turn their nose up at my opinion and that's fine with me! Wine is meant to be savored and enjoyed! I might throw out some wine terms here and there and if I do, I will make sure that I give you the definition and try to explain them to the best of my abilities. My goal is to share some tasty wine picks with the world and hopefully encourage some of you out there to try a new wine. No bottle shall be discriminated against, price is no matter (with in reason), and this is just going to be all about exploring the world of wine.

This week's wine is:
Fünf German Riesling

Description: Fünf Riesling is a juicy, mouthwatering, easy to get along with wine. The refreshing fruit flavors complement a wide range of foods from chicken and burgers to pizza, Chinese, sushi and Mexican dishes. Keep a bottle handy in the fridge for those last minute take home dinners or when unexpected guests drop by. Serve chilled.
Price: $5.00 per bottle
Region: Germany

This wine comes from the same makers of Relax Riesling, but to me this wine seems to be Relax's less high maintenance and cheaper stepsister. I love Relax, but the price makes it a wine that I don't buy very often. So when owner of the local wine store suggested this wine to me, I thought, why not! I can say that this Riesling is one of the best that I have ever had! At a price of $5 there is nothing better and I think I might be in LOVE! This wine is light, smooth, crisp and fruity! It is the perfect balance of dry and sweet for a Riesling. I believe that any wine drinker (and even wine newbies) would really enjoy this bottle. Also, I LOVE the wine bottle description. Take note wine producers, details on a label are always are a plus! I love the fact it tells you everything you need to know about this wine, food parings, and how to serve it! In addition to the wonderful label, the company has a very fun website. They feature details on all their wines, mixers recipes with the wines, and a funny 'Daily 5' list that features a quirky top five list on various subjects

Would I buy it again? OH YES! I have had a glass of this wine every day, just one, and have spread the enjoyment of this wine out for the last four nights. This is the perfect summer wine and with a price of $5 who can complain! I just wish I would have found this bottle before now. I actually plan to head back to the store and pick up another bottle (or two) later today!

Fun Wine Fact: German immigrants brought Riesling to the New World: 1850 (South Africa), 1857 (California), 1871 (Washington State).

Pairs Well With:
As the label states, "...complement a wide range of foods from chicken and burgers to pizza, Chinese, sushi and Mexican dishes."

"Everything that is beautiful and noble is the product of Riesling and calculation."
– Baudelaire


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