Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Very Busy Christmas!


I don't know if you have noticed, but our blog has been insanely quiet the month of December. It has been one crazy month for all of us. So I wanted to apologize for the lack of blogging.

Christi finished up her hardest semester of graduate school.

In addition to working full time, she was non-stop writing report and studying for tests. She only lives 15 minutes from me and I have barely seen her this month.

Luci is always busy, running her daycare and cutting hair at night.

However, in addition to her normal duties, she has boys that are 5 and 7, so they are at that perfect age for Christmas programs, Christmas projects, Christmas parties and she has been very busy running from one to another.

And as for me, I have been dealing with the moving process. We finally moved out all of our stuff from the home we were selling in Nebraska. The only way I can describe it is like trying to fit into a dress that is 3 sizes too small. We are literally bursting at the seams because this new house is so much smaller than the last one and somehow we have accumulated a ton of junk!

In addition to the moving, I am trying to make more a conscious effort to unplug.

It's the month for Christmas after all, and I didn't want to miss any moments with my little guy because I was "surfing pinterest" or (no offense) "writing a blog". We have spent my unpluged time jumping on the couch, eating ice cream, playing in the snow (what little we have), and making lots and LOTS of cookies. (Which explains my gaining 5 pounds!)

So again, I apologize for the lack of blogs. This doesn't mean I have cut down on my projects, I have finished several this month (including the wine rack!) but I just haven't made time to write them up. I will, someday soon. As for now, I am wishing you all a Happy New Year and hoping some of you choose to unplug this Holiday season too!

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