Friday, May 4, 2012

Survey Time!

I saw this survey from the fabulous Greta over at Modern Garden Blogspot and felt compelled to fill it out (even without a tag!).  So here are some deep and not so deep answer to some basic questions :)


1. What do you like to do for fun?

I feel like this is a bad question to answer namely because I feel that I don't have time for fun right now (how lame does that sound?).  But I suppose the best answer is relaxing with my husband, perusing fashion and home magazines, Pinterest and yes, Youtube videos.  I think I kind of followed in Beth's technology nerd ways and really enjoy all of the amazing things I can find on the world wide web.  Yes, that also sounds super lame but I am constantly amazed at how much I continue to learn about the world and my faith via the internet.  Whether it's reading someone's blog, following someone on Twitter, or asking question in an online group, I am constantly learning and thinking!  

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live?

This question brings up something I was just thinking about last night... but first I will say the "fun" answer.  OUTSIDE of where I currently live, I would say London or Italy... easily my favorite places from my collegiate study abroad trips. 
Okay, but here's the real deal. I was thinking last night about how it is "not cool" to live in the place you are from. People often look down on others who live in their hometown. I'm even reminded of George Bailey in my favorite movie "It's a Wonderful Life"

Yes, George Bailey wanted to leave his town, get over everything and forget about it.  But nobody talks about if your town is actually a wonderful place to live and raise a family.  So many people don't know what it's like to grow up living so far away from all of your cousins and Grandparents.  Beth and I have said before that we want our children to be around their family. Because family is the most important thing in life. Family is everything. As a 13 year old I was devastated when I heard we were moving (yet again).  But little did I know this place would become so important in my heart. I met my husband, developed my faith, and my parents were able to finally, "put down roots" as they say. When I look at my husband's family and see their relationships and how they value family above everything else my heart just warms to the thought of raising our kids here and being there for each other.  Raising our kids so they will have the opportunity to see their Grandparents and cousins and other relatives often.  Then I think about the beautiful faith community in town, the affordable and unparalleled Catholic school system, the low taxes... I couldn't have asked for a better place to live and raise a family.  

So to end a long and overly-descriptive answer: I want to be right where I am.

And George Bailey figured it out too.

Photo Source

3. What made you decide to start a blog?

It was actually Thrifty Decor Chick.  Beth and I adored her ideas and work and the more I read the more I thought, "Well, how fun would it be to have a sister blog?"  I have had to take a bit of a sabbatical with full time work and grad school but with the fun changes happening in Nathan & I's life an the end of school approaching, I'm anxious to have more opportunities to blog and write about projects.  *Thanks Beth, for your patience* :)

4. If you could give new bloggers advice, what would it be?

This is a funny one being that I am so political, but DON'T be political.  I am so passionate about politics to the point of crazy but this isn't the time or place for it.  I think of it like a nice dinner party; it's just not a discussion you want to bring up or risk alienating guests over. I cherish the political-free areas in life and this is one of them.  

5. Who is the most influential person in your life?

Easy: my Mom & Dad. As I grow older and observe my mom I see a woman who has a strong passion for Christ, unmeasured generosity, and an immense love and care for children.  When I look at my Dad I see strength, unending patience, loyalty and wisdom.  I am continually amazed and am so incredibly thankful for them.  I know not everyone is so lucky and I know I would not be as good of a person had I not had their influence.

The Residence of Jeff & Lea Merideth
Mom & Dad :)

6. What is one talent that you have always wanted to learn, but haven't yet?

Guitar!  I would really love to learn how to play the guitar.  

7. What is the best life lesson you have ever learned?

Trust God and live for HIM and not for this world.

“I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God’s thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking.”

8. What would your dream life look like after retirement?

Hmm I honestly have no clue with this one.  We would be comfortable and surrounded by our kids and grandkids, I guess!

9. What message{s} do you hope others "hear" when they read your blog?

That women are amazing and we share many of the same struggles.  But through sharing ideas and encouraging each other we can all accomplish so many things in our lives.  

10. What are your favorite blog topics to read about? {ex: crafting, style, life, humorous, etc...}

Life and makeup/beauty/fashion (duh) :)

11. What is one thing that you could never live without?

Hmm this is a toughie.  I guess I'll have to go with what Greta said and say COFFEE :D


1 comment:

  1. Love your answers Christie!!!! I am not much of a "tagger" so I didn't tag anyone...but I'm glad you answered anyway! :)


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