This week was the first official week of summer! I celebrated with some nice pear wine! For some reason, pear beer and wine really always have just screamed summer to me. I picked up this bottle, not really realizing that it's a local wine, and was pleasantly surprised! I am not usually a sweet wine fan, but this pear wine was a nice change to the norm. First off, it has a nice lively nose on the wine, with floral* and fruity notes. They sure didn't skimp on the pears when making this wine, but it finishes with a nice buttery flavor. Be prepared though, when drinking this wine, it is sweet!
Would I buy it again? Yes. I think it's a great sweet summer wine. Serve it chilled on a hot day and it's quite refreshing! It also would be a wonderful addition to any wine and cheese party. Of course, it's a little pricey, but that is what you get when you buy things local. I am usually willing to pay the higher price to help out a fellow neighbor. Also, if you are a plum wine fan (Scott and Rob), you would love this wine!
"Penicillin cures, but wine makes people happy."
– Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), the Scottish bacteriologist credited with discovering Penicillin in 1928
*Floral- Suggests the aroma or taste, usually aroma, of flowers in wine. "Floral" usually employed as an adjective without modifier to describe attributes of white wine aromas. Few red wines have floral aromas.
I know, another Malbec right?? Well, this one has been sitting on my shelf for a while and after my two week hiatus of not writing any Uncorked, I went for a my default wine...a red one :) Normally I love me some cab, but today I thought I would choose something slightly different so I reached for this Malbec. I know I just reviewed a Malbec, but I just couldn't help myself. Tonight's dinner was pizza and I thought the spiciness of this wine would go great with our dinner. One thing I noticed right away with this wine is that I couldn't smell the nose of the wine. Maybe it's my allergies kicking in, but I was expecting the worst from this wine. Usually, no nose usually means no flavor, however I was pleasantly surprised by this wine. The taste is fruity yet spicy and there is something almost smoky* about the wine. It really went well with the pizza we ate tonight.
Would I buy it again? For sure! With the price of $9, I thought it was a pretty good little wine. I know I can't smell the nose, which really is most likely my allergies, but I was really overall impressed by the wine. The last Malbec I reviewed had to breath for 30 minutes before it was great to drink. This one was great just out of the bottle, with no wait! With the busy moving/cleaning/parenting going on in my life, being able just to sit down and enjoy a nice glass of wine with some pizza (delivered of course) is such a nice treat to start my weekend. And yes, it's Thursday night and the start of my weekend...No, I am not bragging, because my weekend will be moving the big stuff and unpacking :(
"Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance."
– Benjamin Franklin
*Smoky- Some wines, either because of the soil or because of the barrels used to age the wine, have a distinctive smoky character.