Hands down the most expensive thing to raising a child is diapers and second to that is baby food. Have you ever looked at the cost of baby food? Most jars are somewhere between $0.60 to $1.19! It adds up when you kiddo can start eating 2-3 jars for one meal.
So long before I had our little guy, I decided I was going to make my own baby food. Not only to save cost, but also to know what was going into the food. So here are are my tips on how to make your own baby food:
First off, I registered for these Fresh Baby So Easy Baby Food Freezer Trays With Lids ($10.23 at Amazon.com)
I already own a mini food processor; I highly recommend this one.
It's the Cuisinart Mini-Prep Processor, available for $29.56 at Amazon. I know there are magic bullets out there and other baby food making machines, but make sure you buy something you think you can use again after you are finished using it for baby food. You will be happy you did! I have had my mini food processor for about seven years now. have had to buy new blades and replace the plastic container a few times, but it's totally worth it and it keeps going strong.
To get started pick out your veggie or fruit. I chose carrots for this demonstration. If they are fresh or frozen, cook them in the microwave till they are soft -
very soft. It will save the motor on your machine.
Add the squishy things into the machine with a little water and press go! You will end up with something like this:

Once it is pureed, divide evenly into the food trays and freeze. SO EASY! After a day or so I take the food out and break it into individual cubes and store them in freezer bags. I have one bag for veggies and one bag for fruits.

You end up with fresh and healthy baby food made with love. (Not to mention the beautiful color!)
Home tips:
-Plant a garden and you basically have free food for you little one. You know where it's been and what chemicals have been added to it.
-Use your soft fruit. You know those peaches that have just gone too soft for you to eat. Obviously don't use them if they are moldy or rotten, but the softer the fruit the sweeter and easier the puree.
-Brown bananas add sweetness to anything. Once in a while you will get a very tart fruit that is a little too tart for your baby's palette. I like to throw in a spotted banana to add some sweetness to bland and tart fruit.
-Frozen veggies and fruits are cheap and easy! I can buy a bag of peas for about $1 and make 3-4 meals for my little guy.
-Canned fruits are a good option too. I usually don't like canned fruits, but you can get pears, peaches, and apricots on sale and as long as they are packed in juice I haven't had a problem using them for my little man.
-Sometimes when you make your own baby food it gets a little watery and becomes hard to feed to them without making a huge mess. I like to add in some rice cereal to the mixture to act as a thickener. It provides a little more substance to the food and adds iron to their diet.
My little guy loves the homemade baby food. In fact, when traveling I've purchased some jarred food and he barely eats it. Have you ever actually tried it?? Most of them taste gross! The flavor is usually bland and terrible. I have found the food I make has more flavor and he enjoys it more. I know where the food has been because I made it myself. It tastes fresher, is naturally sweet and flavorful, and it saves me money! It's funny because when my little guy hears that food processor running, he knows that it's meal time. So good luck out there with the baby food making and happy blending!