Sunday, January 31, 2010
Making Our House err... our Apartment a Home

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
In All Things, Give Thanks
Anyway, Nathan and I braved the elements and made a trip down to Nebraska to visit Beth and our friends Matt & Annie. It was great just to get out of town for a weekend; to meet new people, have some drinks, do some shopping, and eat some delicious food!

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Painting The Entryway

One of the easiest updates so far has been just to redo our foyer. The chandelier was so dated and it was an ugly brown color (the only room without wallpaper).
One day I was looking around on homedecoratorsoutlet.com and I stumbled across the perfect chandelier. It was 42” tall and 42” wide for a bargain price of $199.00! It was even antique brass, the color of all of our fixtures in the house. I had to have it! One week later my new chandelier arrived and I was so excited! I took it out of the box, played with it, danced with it around the room…you know the usual…then it hit me! How are we going to get this thing up there? Our ceiling is 16’ tall. The current chandelier weighs about 60 pounds. Even if we got up there on a ladder the weight of the old chandelier would for sure bring us crashing to the ground.
For the last 3 months, I have had this chandelier sitting in my front room, just lying in the box. It was beginning to cross my mind that the beautiful chandelier might be making the floor in the front room its permanent home ….until last week.
We have started remodeling our kitchen and my husband wanted to have an electrician come out so he could brainstorm some lighting ideas with a professional. I thought, what a great time to get my chandelier hung by someone who might have a 14’ ladder. I called the company and sure enough they had one. It took two fairly large men to climb up on both sides of that ladder and remove the old fixture. I sat there watching, biting my nails that they would not fall or have the chandelier come crashing to the ground. After 45 minutes of torturing pain, the new pretty chandelier was up and going.
It is so nice to finally enter my house with such a lovely sight as my new chandelier. It just is one more little accomplishment that my husband and I have made that makes this house feel so much more like a home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Buffalo Chicken Dip for the Big Game!

Italian Bread Sticks

- Mix all ingredients together and knead dough for 5 minutes. Let rise 30 minutes.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Divide dough in half. Place one half on a floured counter top and roll it out to form a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick.
- Place dough sheets on a vegetable oil-sprayed cookie sheet. Cut dough into thin strips about 1/2 inch apart along the width of the pan. Twist each cut section. Repeat this process with the remaining dough portion. Brush with a little olive oil and shake some italian seasoning on the top.
- Bake for 30 minutes.
- Serve warm with salads and entrees.
for the love of food!
My love of food has not always been a positive thing. I graduated high school at 104 pounds (a little underweight) and ended college at about 137 pounds. Now I know that is not too large, but for my 5’4” height, small frame it is a little on the heavy side. So when my then fiancé (now husband) proposed, I knew I wanted to drop the extra weight and look the best in my wedding dress.
This was my strategy: eat healthy and workout. Seems pretty simple right? And it really is, just with some hard work and determination. I should say though, I am not a doctor. This is just the strategy that worked for me.
Here’s how to do it:
- Find out your daily calorie intake- I used the Mayo Clinic website. I figure that the Mayo clinic would provide the most accurate and healthy number of calories. This number is very important because it determines how many calories you can consume without gaining weight (in theory). If you want to lose weight one pound equals 3,500 calories. To lose one pound you must burn 3,500 more calories than you are consuming or reduce your calorie intake by 3,500 calories. So to aim for weight loss of one pound per week, you would reduce calories by 500 per day.
- Tracking your calories- My newly discovered favorite website is Calorie Count. I was paying $40 a year for another site and I found this free site that offers all the features I wanted. This site allows me to search many food items, add them by meal, and track my intake. In addition, I can add my own recipes and it will calculate the calories in it. This is invaluable to me because I have learned to substitute items to make my meals healthier. Such as…egg beaters for eggs, splenda for sugar, wheat flour for white flour, quinoa for rice, and the list goes on.
- Planning Meals- This really should be number one. After all, this is the food section. I have found that planning meals is vital for eating healthy. If not, you end up coming home and throwing together some high calorie, pasta dish or worse yet fast food! I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Recipezaar's recipe sifter. It allows you to search by meal type, stuff you have on hand, and nutrition information. I usually try to find a main course that is less than 400 calories.
- Exercise, exercise, exercise- I am lucky enough that I have a very flexible job that allows me to work out over my lunch break. I try to get to the gym 3-4 times a week. I try to get some sort of exercise every day. If I do not go to the gym, I speed clean my house or walk my dog. I also read lots of fitness magazines- self, shape, and fitness. Studies have shown that reading these magazines help keep you more motivated to work out. Not to mention that it keeps my work out from getting boring.
That is my weight loss/maintain strategy and it seems to have worked for me. I have maintained my weight at about 119 pounds for over 3 years. This lifestyle change is actually pretty easy to do, as long as you plan your meals and track your calorie intake.
The question remains still, why the cooking section?? Well, I will post little healthy finds I make in this section. I mean, don’t get me wrong...this section will be completely full of unhealthy items too.
All of my healthy items will have this lovely little image on them to denote they are healthy.
I just hope this will be a good way for us sisters to share recipes, ideas, and a yummy, healthy way for all of us to live!

Monday, January 11, 2010
New Year's Ambitions...
I have always been that person who starts projects and never finishs them. Take for instance my painting that I started 5 years ago. I haven’t even picked up a paintbrush (other then to paint my walls) and even come close to touching the canvas. And then there was the Shutterfly kick…. I went to Carlsbad Caverns 3 years ago, started the photo book and have yet to finish it. It really is almost done, I just have to do all the final proofing and somehow I have managed to put it off for the last 3 years. I could go on with more examples, but I think you get the picture. I start projects and never finish them.
So this year, again, I vow not to be that person who sets an unattainable New Year’s resolution that I will start and never finish. I decided to make my “New Year’s Ambitions.” I thought this sounded “fancier” so we will go with that for now (but it could change later).
Kitchen- After sitting with an unfinished bathroom for 6 months, one of which I started and then stopped, my husband made the rule that I cannot start another room in the house until the first room is completed. Not having my kitchen finished is torture! I love to cook, and it is really hard to cook with limited counter space and the floor covered in plastic drop cloth. Priority #1 this year will be to complete this project. Not only for my New Year’s ambition, but also my sanity.
Shutterfly- Finish the photo books I have started. I have two actually that I need to print that are so close to being finished I can taste it. Really, it’s all about taking 2 hours and proofreading my work.China Pics- This task comes in steps. First, compile all my friends China pictures into one file. That means getting together, with their sd card, my flash drive, and some sort of computer all at the same time. This sounds easy, but usually one out of the three is missing. Once I have all the pictures together in one file, I need to edit all the photos. That means: red eyes, slants, blurs, and the occasional crazy hair on someone’s head. I mean EVERYTHING! It’s time consuming, but if I work on it during my downtime at work I figure I could really get it done in a month if I tried really hard. Then the final step, upload them to my ftp and send it out! That will be a glorious day!
Painting- The dreaded painting…really it’s not that bad. I cheat when painting. I couldn’t draw to save my life, so I printed the outline of Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh on some canvas (5 years ago) and all I need to do is fill in the lines. It’s just like a large coloring book page. So why have I been putting it off?? I don’t know, maybe washing out the brushes, or not being in the right mood, or maybe that I am secretly still afraid of the basement so it is hard for me to be down there for extended amounts of time. Whatever the reason, I just need to get in gear, turn on some chic singers, have a glass of wine in hand and get that painting finished.
That is it! Four little ambitions for this year! Will this be another idea that goes so casually by the wayside? If 50 percent of the 50 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions fail, the outcome is not looking the best for me. I will make the effort to write an updated blog at the end of the year, so I guess time will tell and in the words of Arnold Palmer, “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.”