Friday, December 17, 2010

Winner of the $25 Lowe's Giftcard Giveaway...

And the winner is...


Abbey and her husband Jay have an adorable blog that we simply love to read. To keep up on their exciting times (a baby on the way!) and creativity (Abbey is a fantastic photographer and lover of all things handmade) head on over to 99th Street to check out their blog.

Bet you guys had no idea the winner would get a nice plug as well? Okay that wasn't originally part of the plan but if you do have a blog and happen to win our next giveaway we'd love to give you some extra props!

Abbey just send us an email at with your address and we'll get your giftcard in the mail ASAP.

Thanks to everyone who entered, became a follower and offered great suggestions! Please continue to comment and let us know what you would like to see more of.


1 comment:

Abbey said...

woohoo I'm so excited!!! Thank you!

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