Anyways, if you don't know this already, 20 weeks is the magic number of weeks when the doctors will finally tell you the sex of your baby. Many people like to wait till the birth, but I honestly can't stand it!!! I want to start brewing ideas for the nursery right away!
The magical day came on Friday and they do their best to keep you waiting to find out. First they checked all the usual-- you know the head size, leg size, arm size, counted can see it the pic below the baby appears to be sucking their thumb.
Then they showed us a side view of their face.
And then the awesome 3-D view that was super hard to get. The technician tried forever to get a better picture but the baby was really camera shy! The nose is missing in the pic below as the baby was doing their best to hide it's face.
And finally after waiting 20 weeks to find out, she typed the gender on the screen!
It's A GIRL!!!!
I can honestly say we are super shocked to find this out. We wanted a girl sooo bad and as my husband said the odds are 66% that we would have the same sex as the first child. I did a bunch of voodoo magic tricks to try to get a girl and I guess one of them must have worked!
So that is our happy news as of late! I am sure you will see this blog decorated everywhere with pink very soon! I have already gone garage sale shopping and purchased over 17 pink sleepers and 5 dresses. I am looking forward to decorating the nursery and seeing this little girl's face soon!!!

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Congratulations! That's awesome! My second was a girl as well and I went psycho with all the girly stuff!!! So fun!
Congratulations, Beth! Girls are so much fun :)
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