We have all seen them on blogs across the net-- beautiful basket tags to label your storage. There are so many cute ideas out there such as....
The Chalkboard Tag
(So great to re-label quickly!)
(So great to re-label quickly!)
The Crafty Tag
The Uber Creative Tag
and the
Kind Of Expensive But Super Convenient For You Non-Crafter Tags
(from Pottery Barn)
Today I am going to show you the
SUPER EASY Basket Tags!
Now you will need a few things to get started:
Scrap Fabric- Enough for a 2.5"x3.5" square of fabric for however many labels you want to make
Pinking Shears
Corner Rounder (optional)
Computer (unless you have great handwriting)
Scotch Self-Sealing Laminating Pouches with Loops, Glossy, 5 Pack
Avery Sticker Project Paper, White, 8.5 x 11 Inches
Here are the easy directions:
First, start with your paper and computer. Create a document (in word) with text boxes that are about 2"x3". Type your desired labels into the boxes, format them as needed and print them on the sticker paper:
Cut the labels out. You can use a corner cutter like I did to create a more finished look or use your pinking shears for a cute zig-zag line.
Next, open your self laminating pouches.
Turning your scrap fabric over, trace around the tag with a pen.
If you are making more then one, I found it was easier to butt them up next to each other to minimize cuts.
Cut out your squares on the inside of the inked line. You want the material to be smaller then the pouches.
Center your printed label on the fabric, peal off the back and adhere it to the fabric.
Open you laminated pouches and center you fabric/label in the middle of it.
Slowly peal off the label protecting the adhesive front and smoothing it out along the fabric as you go.
You should end up with a cute finished product such as this:
Using the loops, attach your tag to your desired basket.
If you can't tell by the color of these tags, this is another project I have done for the nursery decoration. (See all nursery posts here.) I am using these baskets to sort our little girls things. Here's a little sneak peak of the finished tags and the closet for the nursery.
These tags were so easy to make and they add a little cute organization to her closet!

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